Remaining Productive in a Turbulent Environment

As you know as a citizen of this planet, we are in the midst of a major health crisis. Everyone is being affected somehow one way or another. My thoughts and prayers continue to go out to those who are facing the worst case scenario, death of their loved ones or near death yourself. My thoughts and prayers also go out to those facing job losses, having any case of the virus (even if mild), and any other adverse affects due to this situation. I say all that to say this is indeed a turbulent time for everyone, even for those who are not affected as intensely. If you are healthy and still have a job like myself, you have a lot to be grateful for. You can develop a new appreciation for what you do have. However, this doesn’t mean you stop striving for maximum productivity and towards your goals. Your goals will be altered for sure, and it is wise to take it a little slower if possible. Hearing about the virus and it’s impacts are a drain on everyone, including those that are not impacted directly by it. Best case scenario is that our schedules have been disrupted and we merely know people who have been affected by this situation. Regardless of where you fall on this continuum, here a few tips on how to stay the most productive as possible. If you are battling the illness yourself right now or dealing with grief, then it is best to save this post for a later time.

  1. Make revised goals, schedules, time budgets, etc. When your schedule is disrupted, it is wise to adjust accordingly. Trying to accomplish what you were going to accomplish before the disruption is unrealistic. Totally giving up on your goals is unwise also.

  2. Make the most of your moments. Everything may be different, but that doesn't mean you still can't do things you enjoy. If you find yourself without much free time, then still make time to do things you want to do, even if it's just for a little.

  3. Stay structured. Structure is key to your success, in a normal time and a crazy time. When you are not able to have a normal routine and you have a lot more free time, it is essential to build a structure that sets you up for success.

  4. Keep moving. There are going to be crazy times in all of our lives. Things won't go as planned. While what is going on right now is an extreme situation, this is definitely a great time to understand the value of perseverance and flexibility.

Thanks again for reading. I hope that you are well as you read this. Stay well as you go about this next week.