As you are aware, it has been a crazy time for everyone. We have all been trying to navigate a very unique and unpredictable situation. As I know this has been a heavy time for all of us. Right now, whether you are in a hard hit area or not, whether you are affected much or not, we don’t know how long it’s going to last like this. Since it is something that we have very little control over, might as well give it a rest. What I am not saying is to ignore what is going on, but also it is important that we do unplug a bit. If you are in a position that you have a lot of free time, this will be helpful. Even if you are still working Your regular schedule, you likely still have more free time than you would normally. I want to this to be a lighter post so here are just a few ideas to still “celebrate” spring cleaning while locked in. In fact, if you are healthy and locked in, this could be the best spring cleaning you have ever had, it can be the spring cleaning of a lifetime.
Start with the room you spend the most time in. This could be your bedroom, living room, or a room you do your work in. The room you are in the most while inside should be clean to have the biggest impact.
Keep moving at it. Cleaning, organizing, rearranging, and throwing stuff out will improve your mood. This will create momentum and you will get more accomplished.
Expand to the rest of your home. Spring cleaning is always a good regular process each year. However, this year, you may opportunity to make a much larger dent into the things you want to accomplish and organize.
Expand beyond physical stuff. Not only should you clean your home, but you can also make new goals, schedules, time budgets, financial budgets, etc. Take advantage of the disruption to work towards future goals, especially now that the world is going to look differently than before.
I understand this post is not for everyone at this time for what may be obvious reasons. If you are finding yourself with extra time and are well, and those close to you are well as well, this could become a great opportunity to engage yourself and perhaps your family to do get some serious cleaning done. I want to thank you for reading and hope that you are well as you read this. If you are not in a position to engage in spring cleaning, perhaps it is something you can consider when you are doing better.