This is a very difficult time for everyone, at best maybe you have some cancelled events and have less social interaction. On the other hand, people are losing money, jobs, their minds, and even their lives. Right now the top priority for everyone should be staying well themselves and avoid spreading COVID-19 to those around you. This is however (unless you are sick, then getting rest is most important) not a reason to stop pursuing your goals and maximizing your productivity. While our lives all looks very differently now, there is still a lot we can focus on and do to get to a better place in our lives when things are back up and running again. The focus for this post will what you can do when you are in quarantine. Even with such a big disruption to our lives, we can still work towards our future. An obvious disclaimer to this is that if your life is threatened by COVID-19 (or anything else for that matter), my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Find a new hobby. While everything is serious, make sometime to do something new that you might enjoy to lighten your mood and help you get through it. There is plenty of things you can learn how to do, but also there is a great amount of TV shows, movies, books, etc. to take part in as well.
Get caught up. If you are behind on your to do list, this can be an excellent time to catch up on those things. There are things that have been on my to do list for years that I have doing now that there is some extra time.
Relax and slow down. Again this only applies if you have extra free time and are well, but take time to slow down and relax. Live life at a slower pace for a while. While you may be used to running around extremely busy, this may be an opportunity to welcome the change.
Stay connected. Technology today allows us to connect in many ways that we couldn’t previously. While I know our smart phones may keep us from interacting face to face when we were able to see people in person, they as well as other technology can keep us connected when we should not be interacting with others in person. Do a video chat, call, group messages, texts, etc. will keep you connected. It won’t replace the real thing but is better than nothing. This also works in terms of work when you can’t go to the office, you can still get more done than you thought you can this way.
I do want to reiterate that while this situation is very challenging for everyone, there are some ways to help mitigate the negative impacts of all of this. Thank you again for reading my post. Stay well and healthy.