I have decided to take a short hiatus from this blog. I haven’t made a new post in an over a month and I am ready to get back into it now. Not only am I ready to get back in with the posts, but back on track with everything else with Time is Me. As you may certainly know, the world is a very different place today than just a month ago when I wrote my last post. The spread of Covid-19 (a.k.a novel coronavirus), crash of the economic markets, toilet paper shortages, etc. have made for a very real cause for concern. Whether you believe people are panicking too much or not taking it serious enough, that is a topic for elsewhere. I will come back in from the hiatus with topics related to how to be productive in a situation like this, as right now everyone is affected by this.
But first to an update on what I have been doing the last month, I went to California for the first time five weeks ago for the Startup Global conference in Redwood City and Podcast Movement Evolutions in Los Angeles. I met a lot of cool people and saw a lot of beautiful scenery and had a lot of fun as well. All of which I couldn’t do if it had been this week. I took time to process the information that I had learned over the next several weeks and have a lot in the works that I will get into later posts. However, with being said, I will leave you with a few tips on how to stay productive despite what is going on.
Stay on track. The number one thing I can suggest is to stay on track as much as you can. Any aspect of your life that can stay the same and keeps your sense of identity will keep you stable and focused. Many people one way or another are having the floor taken out from under your feet. In times like that, whatever you can grab on to will help you to keep going. A ton of things are getting cancelled, postponed, etc, but remember there are a lot of things that you can still do.
Embrace the change. If you were stuck in a rut before, all of this forced change will create an opportunity for you to get out of the rut you were in. All kinds of changes will come at all times in your life, and although now may be much more than usual, it is a good time to to embrace the opportunity that although it may be uncomfortable and scary now, maybe when it’s all said and done in a while you may end up better after all.
Take advantage of all of the unexpected free time. I have mentioned a few times that taking a break is essential to your health, wellness, and productivity. Of course every individual’s situation is very different, so this may not even apply to you at all. However, if you are do have more free time and are not affected as negatively, you may have more bandwidth for things that you didn’t before. Of course, if you do struggle with ADHD, you must resist the temptation to get the most updated information.
If you do get sick. If you get sick with Covid-19, or any other illness for that matter, now more than ever it is the best and most productive thing to get rest. Get the rest you need so you can be up and running as soon as possible. Two years ago, I was sick with three different illnesses at the same time in the same week, in fact, it was this week. I wrote a post about how you can recover from being sick, link below
It is a very crazy time we are in currently. Being productive and moving forward with your goals is always important. How we do that now will be different than before. We are all figuring things out. Thank you for reading this blog, and I hope you stay well.