Productive Alternatives to Anger

I have a history of getting angry easily. This is not to mention that there are different kinds of anger. You can get angry quickly and get over it really quickly and forget it. You can be angry about something for a long time and become bitter. This is not to mention that all anger is a bad. There is a good anger, for example against an injustice and having enough anger for you to make a difference in a situation. With that being said, there is always a reason to be angry, but more often than not it is not the productive path to take. Anger can suck up a lot of our time, energy, and ultimately our productivity. Here are a few alternatives we can choose when we find ourselves angry.

  1. Do something fun. As much as I would like to say you should do something productive, when you are angry, something you enjoy is the best way to calm down.

  2. Do something relaxing. Taking a walk, watching a show you enjoy, talk to a friend, do something that relaxes you and calms you down.

  3. Exercise. Physical activity is a great way to deal with anger. Get your blood pumping and heart rate up in a healthy way.

  4. Regroup your thoughts. Whatever you are angry about, put it aside for a while and then come back to it. When you come back to the issue, you should have a clear mind and can act more rationally. 

I understand these are challenging times and there is a lot to be angry about. We all need to remember that when we are angry, we are using our energy on something that will probably not benefit us. We should conserve our energy in our own personal growth and maximum productivity. I will be exploring other emotions we are most likely experiencing during these challenging times in future posts. I wish the best for you and hope that you stay well. Thanks again for reading my blog.