As you know this has been a wild time for all of us. We are filled with uncertainty and we do not know what is going to happen and how it’s going to happen. We can make plans and tentative plans but that only goes so far. It is a general consensus that we should not try to change things that we cannot control. Right now, all we can do is focus on the things we can control. In a world where everything seems to be out of control, let us focus on some things that we can control.
We can always chose to make a schedule and budget our time. We all live unique lives as it is, so there is no one size fits all. Especially now that our lives has most likely changed a lot, we can make a new schedule and routine that fits this time.
We can help each other out more. We all need help in areas where we may not have before. While this may not be a direct productivity method, you will feel better and most likely be more productive. I also want to take this time to thank everyone on the front line of this pandemic for all that you do.
We can make new goals. We should take advantage of the change of pace to set a new direction for our goals. As I have mentioned earlier, it is likely that our goals will be different overall.
We can stick to the things that we enjoy. Things that we have enjoyed before the pandemic hits are likely to still be things that we enjoy. Of course, a lot of those things we can’t do right now, but be sure to think about the things that you enjoyed and still can do. Again, while this is not a direct productivity tip, doing things you enjoy will help you be productive when you have to.
As I know this is a difficult time for all of us and we can look forward to better times ahead. While we don’t know what the future will look like and we never do exactly, we can still work towards being our most productive self. I hope that you are well as you read this and hope that you stay well. Thanks for reading!