As we are all aware of the crazy times we live in now, we hear all kinds of different things about what things can look like after the worst is over. There is much talk of a “new normal.” While this post is not a discussion about how we expect the current pandemic to affect temporarily vs permanently. However, we can consider how our new normal should become. Any disruption is an opportunity for change and as this is a major disruption overall. While much in this life is out of our control, and even more so in a situation like this. There are however things we can control.
Our attitude. We can choose the attitude we have about anything. While it is certainly easier to have a positive attitude about something when it is going better, we still do have control over it. A positive attitude can ripple out further to other people. Someone with a positive attitude is more productive than someone with a negative attitude. I can say that from personal experience.
Our productivity methods. Since what we are doing to stay productive has changed, what we do to stay productive will change also. If what we were doing to stay productive before still works now, then I’d recommend sticking to those methods. It is however likely that we will have to change our methods. With that being said, our new normal should include a heightened sense of productivity to get to our whatever our adjusted goals end up being.
Our goals. We can set new goals. Depending on how our lives have changed, we can develop new goals to adjust to whatever our new normal is. Most likely we will have to adjust our goals and shift them to what our lives look like now.
A new hope. It may be very difficult to have hope in this season. However, it is important to have hope. Hope will get us moving towards whatever our new normal is going to look like. When we are hopeful, we can be more productive as we work towards what we are looking to.
Right now we don't know what the new normal is going to look like. We all have to make our decisions about what we need to do to get the maximum productivity out our time. We may have things that take higher priority at the moment that we haven't had planned for. With that being said, we need to reevaluate and work towards a new normal that is hopeful better in ways than before.