Avoiding Overwhelm with ADHD

When you have ADHD, it is easier to get overwhelmed. You see a lot of different things going on with your schedule and your to do lists. When you have a lot going on it’s much easier to get overwhelmed. This is especially the case when you are not aware of what you actually have to do. There is not many things more stressful than having a ton of stuff to do and not being able to get a handle on what actually needs to get done. Here are a few things you can do when you come across this situation.

  1. Take inventory of what you have to do. Make a to do list, then make a schedule. When a flood of tasks come flooding in, the best thing you can do is to be aware of what you have to do and have a clear idea of what you are facing.

  2. Take a deep breath. When you are overwhelmed, it is always a good idea to take a break. Sometimes even just a 30 minute break can make all of the difference. There is no use of continuing what you are doing when you are tired and not on your best unless you absolutely have to.

  3. Slow down your pace. The reason you are becoming overwhelmed is because you are too busy. Having too much to do will make you overwhelmed. While I know you don’t always have a say in your life on how busy you are, but as much as you can I’d say keep your pace as reasonable as possible.

  4. Find what you do best. More often than not, this is a long term goal. If you find yourself not enjoying what you are doing, then I’d definitely recommend making a change. Even your current choice makes the most sense financially, it’s not worth being miserable. Find a healthy balance and something that you can enjoy doing enough that you don’t dread it or wipe you out.

Being overwhelmed and stressed out is a common problem for many people, not just those with ADHD. Life can be crazy and there are several busy seasons in our lives like school, having children, work projects, etc. There are ups and downs with busyness just like other aspects of your life. It is also a good idea to balance it out as much as possible and take your time to breathe when you are not extremely busy.