Dealing Externally with Little Mistakes

The other week I had commented on making little mistakes due to having ADHD. While we all make mistakes, it is easier to make mistakes when your attention is limited. My personal experience includes several instances of how making little mistakes have been an issue. The majority of the issues are in my earlier life as I had grown to understood what causes situations that increase the likelihood of mistakes. Nevertheless, I am prone to making mistakes when I am not making a conscious effort to focus. Another thing to remember is to pay attention to who you are working with also. If you are prone to making little mistakes, then you do your best to associate with people who will have grace for little mistakes on occasion. Someone who is intolerant of mistakes and expects you to be perfect can aggravate you and make the situation that much worse for you and who you are working with. Growing up I've had teachers, co-workers, and bosses who did not have a tolerance for little mistakes. I don't have to say much else to say that those were not the people I got along with well. While there are things we can do when we make mistakes which I have mentioned in a previous post; however, here are a few things you can do to make the external situation better.

  1. Find an environment most conducive for your focus. You will need the odds in your favor as much as possible regarding focus. Find a location and time where you work best. If you do not have control of that, try it at least to the best of your abilities.

  2. Find the people you work with best. I know that frequently you don't have a choice with who you can work with. Obviously when you do, you should pick the people you know you can work best with and who won't freak out when you make a little mistake. Otherwise, do your best to pick the best choice. Do your best to work with other people as well, as that will help you in the long run. Just because they want to freak out over your mistake doesn't mean you have to freak out in response.

  3. Have patience with yourself. It is easy to be upset with yourself when you make little mistakes that cause issues at your job, in school, with your friends and family. It will do you much better to come to terms with yourself that you are going to mistakes sometimes. After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes as we are all human.

  4. Realize where you have come from. You may not be where you want to be, but it is likely that you have made progress so it is good to take a look back to see your progress.

I've had varying degrees of situations of making little mistakes. It definitely causes frustration, but the more you focus will improve your chances of avoiding mistakes. This is also not to mention that you will be much more productive when you make less little mistakes. It is much more productive to take time to focus even if it means it may take longer. It is much better to get something done correctly rather than quicker.